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BlackBerry DevCon 2011 Days 2 and 3

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Posted: October 21, 2011 | | Categories: BlackBerry

Today wraps up BlackBerry DevCon 2011. Overall it was a great conference. Like I said in a previous post, the sessions and the pace were great. There wasn't a lot of energy about the place, but it was a big crowd and lots of focus on web development and open source tools.

The one disappointment for me was a session I attended this morning on PhoneGap and BlackBerry WebWorks. I was really looking forward to the content, but the presenter was interrupted with so many general questions about PhoneGap (rather than questions related to the session's content) that he ran out of time and only covered about half of his presentation. I wish he'd enforced only taking questions at the end of the session and gave me what I was looking for from the session. Oh well. What RIM should have done was have an intro to PhoneGap session first, which would have allowed this more advanced session to cover its content as planned.

I learned a lot about many open source JavaScript libraries – as soon as I wrap up the book I plan on digging more into those libraries just to round out my skills.

Not sure if I'll be attending another DevCon. My employer has been great in letting me attend and the information I gather helps me in my day to day job, but the event is really more about game development anymore so there's not much there for me.

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Header image: Photo by Randy Lu on Unsplash.