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ChargeCard Smartphone Charger

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Posted: August 4, 2013 | | Categories: Mobile

I was reading through one of my tech magazines the other day (I can't remember whether it was PC Magazine or Popular Science, sorry) and noticed this cool charger cable called ChargeCard ( I used to travel a lot and bring a bunch of cables and so on with me in a little pouch. Over time, the pouch has gotten bigger and bigger and now, with all of the devices I carry with me, it looks like this:

My Current Cable Pouch

Anyways, the ChargeCard is a single, credit card-sized piece of rubber/plastic that includes two USB connectors. There's a micro USB connector for your standard BlackBerry, Android device and so on plus there's a USB Type A connector for plugging into your laptop or PC USB receptacle. The card is about the thickness of two credit cards and looks like this:


The exposed micro USB connector plugs into most any modern smartphone except for any iOS product. The PC USB connector is made of a flexible rubber-like material which allows you to bend it out of the card and insert it in the appropriate USB receptacle on your PC.

It is pretty cool and takes up a whole lot less room than my assortment of cables. It is super small, so I can easily fit it in my bag and take it anywhere with me.

It's a little pricy at $25, but well worth it when you consider how small and useful it is.

For those devices that don't use a standard micro USB connector (that would pretty much only be iOS devices, too bad) the ChardgeCard folks also make a ChargeCard for those devices as well. It's not their fault, but if you carry both an Android and iOS device, you'll need to carry two ChargeCards with you in order to be able to charge both. Fortunately they're very small, so carrying two of them still takes up less room than a single, traditional USB cable.

Check them out when you get a chance:

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Header image: Photo by Eirik Solheim on Unsplash.