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Testing a Bunny.Net CDN

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Posted: Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 09:25 PM | Categories: Miscellaneous, Web Development

I built a Windows app that I'm trying to publish in the Windows App Store. As I worked through the publishing process, I made a huge mistake and didn't look for documentation that walked me through the whole process. Rather than getting all of my ducks in a row, I worked through the process bumping up against issue after issue. I feel like I'm getting nowhere.

After getting my Microsoft store account setup and validated, I set about configuring my app profile only to discover that I needed a CDN. I've never had a CDN before; I've used them, but never setup my own.

I started looking at the pricing page to determine what this would cost me, but I couldn't accurately assess my costs. Not knowing my costs is a problem, but since I had some Azure credits lying around, I started poking around in the Azure Portal to see if I could create one anyway. After following the instructions to create a CDN, I learned that neither my credits nor my pay as you go accounts were enabled for CDN creation. Strike 1.

Next I Googled setting up a CDN and found that one of the top recommendations was Fastly. I started poking around on their site only to find that for every pricing package the only option was to Request Pricing. If they're not going to let me know what their service costs, I'm out. Strike 2.

Google's next best option was a recommendation for Bunny.net and they actually publish pricing on their public web site. A quick look told me I'd pay a minimum of $1 per month and their other charges were very reasonable based on what I expected my needs to be.

I have this first app to publish and another one following quickly, so I'm going to give it try to see how this works out. This will cost me a minimum of $12US and likely more - I'll either run this for a year and see what my overall costs are or kill the experiment when I reach something like $50US hosting costs for the year.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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Header image: Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash