An image of some Dominos

Domino & Dashcode

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Posted: March 10, 2011 | | Categories: IBM Lotus Domino

As you know (or may not know) I've been working on a series of articles for The View on mobile development for IBM Lotus Domino. I've tried to identify each of the ways you can mobilize Domino and Notes applications then write an article about it. I proposed a series of about 15 articles and the most recent article (#5 in the series) was just published today. It's called Mobilize Notes Applications to iPhone and iPad Using Apple Dashcode and it was a lot of fun to write. The article essentially shows you how to connect a web application created using Apple's Dashcode web development environment to a Domino database. The article shows you step by step how to build the application and test it on the iPhone simulator.

For many applications, building native mobile applications to talk to Domino can be a bit daunting (understatement), but using the code generating capabilities of Dashcode made it really easy. Check out the article when you get a chance.

The next article in the queue for the View is an article on how to modify your Domino applications to get more useful statistics out of Google Analytics. I'm hoping that one will be published soon as well.

Next Post: Google Analytics & Domino

Previous Post: Mobile Device Heaven

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Header image: Photo by Tamara Gak on Unsplash.