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Articles related to software development using Node.js. This includes node command line tooling, plugins, and other stuff. This page lists all posts in the category, in reverse chronological order.

  • Note: An AI Generated pill displayed in the list below indicates that the post description displayed on the page was generated from the post content using Generative AI (GenAI). The post content itself was written by a human (me).

  • Added Folder Selection My New Post Utility

    Posted February 6, 2024  in Eleventy, Node.js

    Added an enhancement to my Eleventy New Post utility to support choosing the target folder during post creation.

  • Google Cloud Multiple Functions in a Project

    Posted January 8, 2024  in Cloud Development, Node.js

    In my previous post Coding Google Functions Using TypeScript I showed how to code Google Functions using TypeScript. Something else I wanted for my Google Cloud Functions project was to be able to manage multiple functions in a single GitHub project. This post describes how to do it.

  • Coding Google Functions Using TypeScript

    Posted January 7, 2024  in Cloud Development, Node.js

    Describes how to code Google Cloud Platform Functions using TypeScript.

  • Updated My Eleventy New Post Module

    Posted December 30, 2023  in Eleventy, Node.js

    When I published my Eleventy New Post package, it only supported selecting a single post category. That approach was fine for a while, but I noticed that I started assigning multiple categories to posts recently and the utility wasn't helping me as much as it could.

  • Execa Node Process Spawning

    Posted December 26, 2023  in Node.js

    This post shares my thoughts on Execa, an older solution than zx but provides very similar capabilities. I covered both solutions in my All Things Open 2023 session.

  • Migrating from Cipher to Cipheriv

    Posted December 19, 2023  in Node.js

    I have a Firebase project that uses a Firebase function to generate a URL containing encrypted data and another function to decrypt the data when someone invokes the URL (opens it in a browser). The functions use the Node.js Crypto library to do the encrypting and decrypting and I noticed recently in the library's docs that the library's createCipher method was deprecated and I needed to migrate my project to use createCipheriv instead. In this post, I demonstrate how I did it.

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