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BlackBerry Developer Conference 2010

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Posted: September 22, 2010 | | Categories: BlackBerry

My publisher has arranged to have copies of BlackBerry Development Fundamentals on sale at the BlackBerry Developer Conference in San Francisco the week of September 26th, 2010. This year, there's a special book store being setup at the conference and they'll be raffling off several free copies of the book during the conference. They've also scheduled a book signing for Tuesday afternoon between 12 and 1 (during lunch), look me up if you're going to be there.

My editor brought a whole bunch of books to the conference last year and we sold out way before the book signing they scheduled for the last day of the conference. Whenever I had a spare minute, I'd hang out where he was selling books, just to see how things were going, and I ended up signing many of the books anyway. I've got to remember to bring my special book signing pen with me to the conference.

One of the reasons he came to the conference last year was to look around for people who were interested in writing BlackBerry books. If you have an idea for a book, let me know and I'll introduce you to my publisher. I'm going to spend the next few weeks mapping out an update to BlackBerry Development Fundamentals, lots of things have changed in the BlackBerry development world since the book was published (widgets, the UI builder and more) and it's probably time for an update. I'm also tossing around an idea for another book and I've already discussed the concept with my editor. I told my wife I wouldn't write another book until I'd taken off as much time as I spent writing my last one (my first book didn't take that much time, but the second one was a killer) and it's about that time. I had so much fun writing (and became such a better writer because of it) and I miss it.

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Header image: Photo by Randy Lu on Unsplash.