
This page displays all of the repositories in my personal GitHub account @johnwargo. Click the link to open the repository.

Number of Repositories: 125

.github11ty-website Documentation site for the Eleventy static site generator.
ac4p Source code from Apache Cordova 4 Programmingacme-dynamite-static Static web site for
algolia-index-update A command-line utility for web sites using Algolia (for site indexing and search) to merge an updated index with an Algolia project data source.apache-cordova-api-cookbook-code Source code for Apache Cordova API Cookbook
arduino-esp32-multiple-cores A very small and simple example of how to run tasks on separate cores in an Arduino projectArduino-Pinewood-Derby Source code for the Arduino Powered Pinewood Derby project.
arduino-rtc-relay-static An Arduino project for turning on/off a relay at a scheduled time.Arduino-Twinkle-Lights An Arduino application for fading two strands of LED Lights up and down.
Arduino-Twinkle-Lights-Array A version of the Arduino Twinkle Lights code that supports more than two strands of lights.ato-2023-shell-scripts-code Sample code from my 2023 All Things Open session entitled "Write Shell Scripts Using JavaScript and zx"
b4ypt Static web site for B4YPTblackberry-development-fundamentals-code Source code from BlackBerry Development Fundamentals (book)
bootstrap-navbar-complete Bootstrap Complete NavBar example applicationbox-long-polling-node A simple NodeJS command that exercises the Box Long Polling API
cdva-create A node module for creating a simple Cordova project with a couple of common plugins and platforms. Module is configurable via a configuration file.cdva-make-hooks Automating the creation of the Cordova Hooks folders
cdva-make-merges Automates the creation of the Cordova merges folders for each platform added to the projectcircuitpython-sync Synchronize files from a CircuitPython device to a local project folder
cordova-programming-code Source code from Apache Cordova 3 Programmingcosplayer-workshop-11ty Eleventy static web site for
Delphi-ListBox-Move-Demo A simple Delphi application that shows how to move one or more selected items around in a ListBox component.DFRobot_AS3935
dotfileseleventy-base-blog A starter repository for a blog web site using the Eleventy static site generator.
eleventy-category-pages Command line utility for generating paginated category pages for an Eleventy site.eleventy-generate-category-pages Generates paginated category pages as part of an Eleventy site build.
eleventy-generate-posts Generates batches of Eleventy site postseleventy-new-post Automates creation of a new post file in an Eleventy project
eleventy-plugin-file-list Creates an Eleventy collection containing a list of files in a particular foldereleventy-plugin-future-post Hides all posts with a future date (from build date)
eleventy-plugin-github-repos Creates an Eleventy data file containing a list of GitHub repositories for a specified user or organizationeleventy-plugin-post-stats Eleventy Plugin for displaying posts statistics
eleventy-plugin-starter Eleventy plugin starter template (JavaScript)email_input A sample application that demonstrates the HTML email input type
esp_touch_flutter ESP Touch testing appfirebase-functions-deploy-helper Simplifies deployment of a subset of Firebase Functions (because of Firebase deployment quota limits)
flutter-android-connectivity-permissions An app that demonstrates how to prompt the user for location permissions in Flutter on Android.flutter-dialog-sample A sample Flutter application highlighting how to use Flutter Doalogs
flutter-folders A simple node module for creating project subfolders in a Flutter project's lib folderflutter-future-builder A flutter app demonstrating how Flutter's FutureBuilder works
flutter-logging-sample A simple app demonstrating how to use the Flutter Logging libraryflutter-navigation-sample Sample app that passes value between pages
generate-build-info Creates a JavaScript file with the project's build information as an Objectgithub-repos-sample-authorized Demonstrates how to list GitHub repositories on an Eleventy site (authorized)
github-repos-sample-unauthorized Demonstrates how to list GitHub repositories on an Eleventy site (unauthorized)glow-globe-circuit-playground
glowing-pumpkin-controller-htmlglowing-pumpkin-feather Adafruit Feather version of my Glowing Pumpkin project
glowing-pumpkin-receiver-udp Glowing pumpkin project with UDP listener for remote controlglowing-pumpkin-server-http Glowing pumpkin project with HTTP listener for remote control
glowing-pumpkin-trinket-neopixel Arduino-powered glowing pumpkin using NeoPixel ringglowing-pumpkin-udp-sync Glowing pumpkin project with UDP sender and listener for synchronized actions
glowing-pumpkin-xiao-bff Glowing Pumpkin project revisited using Xiao and 5x5 BFFgoodreads-page-adjuster A little web app that helps you convert from Goodreads page counts to the book's real page count.
google-functions-deploy Deploys Google Cloud functions from multiple subdirectories.hackspace-article-code Source code for my Hackspace Magazine articles
ics-update A Node module for updating an .ics file and launching itignorevscode Node module that updates a folder's .gitignore file to ignore Visual Studio Code files.
ionic-build-info Updates a build info module in an Ionic projectionic-cascading-providers A simple prototype
ionic-edit-object-sample An Ionic application demonstrating two ways to edit an objectionic-pipes-example
ionic-slides-example A sample implementation of ion-slidesjekyll-copy Jekyll Copy Node module
jmw-io-react ReactJS source code for johnwargo.iojohnwargo my personal profile
johnwargo-cordova-plugin-carrier Cordova plugin to rettrieve carrier ID from the phonejohnwargo-cordova-plugin-mol Cordova JavaScript-only Plugin
johnwargo-static-11ty Internet home for John M. Wargojoomla-to-markdown Convert JSON Exported Joomla article content to markdown files
Kill-Empty-Outlook-Calendar-Entries-Delphi A Delphi application for deleting empty Outlook calendar entrieslearning-pwa-code Companion Source Code for Learning Progressive Web Apps
learning-pwa-static Static web site for pwalearn.comlightning-detector-dfrobot An arduino project that detects lightning and reports distance
lightning-detector-testmake-md Simple node module for creating .md files.
make-readme Node module that creates a 'blank' readme file in the current folder.mcnelly-softworks-11ty The static web site for McNelly SoftWorks, LLC
moddable-helper Node-based CLI command helper for the Moddable SDKNCDevCon-2017 Source code for the sample applications demonstrated during my NCDevCon 2017 session
outlook-delete-empty-inbox-folders A simple Windows utility that deletes empty Outlook Inobox foldersoutlook-get-categories-delphi Delphi application for retrieving the list of Categories from Microsoft Office
outlook-kill-completed-tasks Deletes all completed tasks from a user's default Outlook data fileOutlook-Kill-Country-Delphi Delete Outlook contact country field values
particle-garage-controller-app-androidphonegap-essentials-code PhoneGap Essentials Book Source Code
phonegapday-2017 Source code for my PhoneGap Day 2017 presentationpi-relay-controller-modmypi Raspberry Pi Relay Controller server for the ModMyPi Relay Board
pi-remind Raspberry Pi Google Calendar Reminderpi-remind-hd Raspberry Pi Google Calendar Reminder app, uses the Pimoroni Unicorn HAT HD
pi-remind-hd-notify Pi Remind HD project enhanced to work with the Remote Notify projectpi-remind-zero-blinkt Pi Remind project for the Pi Zero W and Blinkt LED Array
pi-weather-station Raspberry Pi Sense HAT, Weather Underground stationpi-weather-station-simple Raspberry Pi Weather Station using simple sensor
pumpkin-cotroller-firemonkey Cross platform native version of my Pumpkin Controller apppwa-starter-course Source code for Progressive Web Apps: Enhancing Your Web Apps Using Service Workers webinar
random-errors-11ty Eleventy version of Random Errorsrandom-errors-static Jeykll site for
raspberry-pi-relay-controller-seeed Web-based relay controller application for the Seeed Studio Raspberry Pi Relay Board V1.0raspberry-pi-relay-timer Raspberry Pi relay timer
react-build-info Adds build info to an React projectreact-samples-t3 React examples for the We Connect The Dots year 3 class
Repeat-Countdown-Timer-Flutter A repeating countdown timer created in Flutterseeed-studio-relay-board Python library for the Seeed Studio Relay Board
seeed-studio-relay-v2 An updated version of the Python library for the Seeed Studio Relay Boardsleeping-dragon-sign-test A simple Arduino sketch I created to test the LEDs in my Sleeping Dragon Sign project
slide_countdown A Flutter package to create easy slide animation countdown / countup timer.spinner-circuit-playground A simple Circuit Playground sketch that moves an LED around the ring. Use buttons to change direction and speed.
tessel-garage-door-controller Tessel 2 Garage Door Controllertessel-m2x-weather-station Tessel 2 weather station with AT&T M2X data upload
tessel_weather_station Tessel 2 Weather Station with Weather Underground uploadthewargos-11ty Static web site for built using Eleventy
ups-tracking-url-launcher A simple web app that I created to let me convert a UPS tracking number into a tracking URLvscode-describer-genai A Visual Studio Code extension that generates a description of an article using Generative AI (GenAI) and ChatGPT and adds it to YAML front matter for the article.
vscode-progress-demo A Visual Studio Code extension that demonstrates how to cancel an progress bar from an external async processvscode-webview-dialog Sample for using webviews for dialogs or forms in VS Code extensions
wargo-2024-11ty The static web site for my 2024 US Presential Campaignweather-app-ionic-4 A sample weather app built using Ionic 4
windows-path-viewer-delphiword-clock-neomatrix-wifi-desktop A Fork of Andy Doro's World Clock NeoMatrix Project
WordClock-NeoMatrix8x8 Wordclock using NeoMatrix 8x8world-without-apps-11ty Static web site for A World Without Apps
yaml-add-property A node.js command I created to allow me to batch update YAML frontmatter in files