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Time for a New Book

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Posted: June 4, 2019 | | Categories: Miscellaneous

I've been really interested in Progressive Web Apps for the last couple of years, and I finally convinced my publisher it was time for a new book on the topic. The book is called Learning Progressive Web Apps and it will be available around Christmas time.

If you've read any of my Apache Cordova books, you'll know that Adobe PhoneGap and Apache Cordova were created to address a gap in mobile development capabilities. The project team went out on a limb early saying that they're plan was to make Apache Cordova obsolete - well, it's progressive web apps that does this.

PWAs give web developers tools they can use to build web apps that act and feel more like mobile apps. Supporting things like background sync, offline mode, installation, and push notifications. PWAs are so popular that Gartner says that 50% of consumer-facing apps will be PWAs in 2020 (next year as I write this). With all the advanced capabilities added to the browser over the years plus the stuff PWAs add, native mobile apps will be the exception, not the rule going forward.

I'll fill in as I work to complete the book; I expect I'll have the manuscript done by the end of September.

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Header image: Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash