Eleventy Splitting Category Data Across Two Table Columns
Posted: November 18, 2023 | | Categories: Eleventy, Static Site Generators
The Categories list on this site is getting pretty long, so one of the things I wanted to do this weekend was migrate the Unordered List (<ul></ul>
) the site used today into a two column table. I asked Bard and it generated relatively useless code for me; after three tries I finally got something that looked like it would work, but didn't.
As I poked around in the Liquid docs, I noticed that Liquid has a https://shopify.github.io/liquid/tags/iteration/ tag I could use for this. Basically you give it a collection and number of columns and it automatically generates columns for you.
{% tablerow product in collection.products cols:2 %}
{{ product.title }}
{% endtablerow %}
With that in mind, I replaced the site's Category page content with the following code:
{% if categories.length > 0 %}
{% tablerow catData in categories cols:2 %}
<a href="{{ '/' | htmlBaseUrl }}categories/{{ catData.category | slugify }}/">{{ catData.category }}</a>
Count: {{ catData.count }}
{% if catData.description.length > 0 %}
{{ catData.description }}
{% endif %}
{% endtablerow %}
{% else %}
<p>No category data to display</p>
{% endif %}
It generates the columns exactly as expected and saved me a lot of work hand crafting Liquid code to do it.
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