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Amazon Digital Music Hell Continued

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Posted: Friday, April 12, 2024 at 06:31 PM | Categories: Miscellaneous

Earlier today I posted a rant about the ridiculous customer experience I encountered purchasing digital music from Amazon. If you've read many of the posts here, you probably noticed that I sometimes go off the handle on a topic and don't always think it completely through. After my online rant this morning, I started thinking of the possible reasons why an Amazon Digital music link would fail and I came up with some ideas.

Here's a link to the original article.

I have the Amazon music app installed on my primary system (Windows 11 x64) - not because I listen to music on it, but because I assumed it would be an easy way to download digital music purchases. It's not. Since I don't listen to music using the app, I've shutdown (disabled) the startup apps that run in the background listening for who knows what (see picture).

PC Manager showing startup apps

I thought perhaps the email link was trying to launch the app and that "Amazon Music Helper" app was how they did it.

So I re-enabled it, rebooted my system, and tried the email link again.


OK, so next step was to assume that Amazon assumed I open all of my email on my mobile phone (I don't). I quickly opened my email, found the link, tapped it, and the browser immediately opened then displayed the same error message.

Amazon error page

So I'm out of ideas. Apparently Amazon sends out broken links in emails and has no idea they're broken.

Next Post: Amazon Digital Music Hell

Previous Post: Added Timestamp to Posts

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Header image: Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash