Image of a fishing hook lifting an email envelope

Spam Chase Bank Autopay Halted

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Posted: Saturday, June 29, 2024 at 03:35 PM | Categories: Phishing

I received an email the other day that I was certain was a phishing attempt; here's the email message:

Phishing email contents

Initial Take on the Email

I knew it was a phishing attempt because:

  1. I'm not a Chase customer.
  2. I don't have any auto pay setup with Chase.
  3. Chase wouldn't send me an email addressed to "Dear"; if I was a customer, I know they'd address it "Dear John"

Domain Issues

It's pretty easy to tell from those few things that this isn't an email I should act upon, but I sure want to tear it apart. Looking at the from address in the image, notice that it's supposedly from That's interesting because If I actually was a Chase customer, they wouldn't send send me an email from that domain, they'd send it from something that ended in

It is funny that these guys would make it look like it came from Amazon (it didn't) considering it's supposed to be from Chase Bank.

Besides, if I was a Chase customer, I'd likely be a customer of theirs in the US, not in Brazil (the .br ending on the sender domain name). And, if I was a Brazilian, why would the domain have sp in it (which indicates Spanish language) especially since the message to me is actually in English.

Link Analysis

Taking a look at the link behind the Get Started button in the email; it points to notifications-center dot su. When I lookup that domain at, here's what I get:

Who is registration for the phishing web site

Notice that its registered to a private person, not Chase Bank as you'd normally expect.

Yep, this is a phishing email. Now, I wonder what happens when you click the link?

I fired up VMWare Workstation and loaded a new Windows VM, opened the browser and entered the URL, but whatever site was there has already been pulled down.

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Header image: Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay