Cloud Development
Articles related to cloud software development (AWS, Google, Microsoft Azure, OCI, etc.). This page lists all posts in the category, in reverse chronological order.
Note: An AI Generated pill displayed in the list below indicates that the post description displayed on the page was generated from the post content using Generative AI (GenAI). The post content itself was written by a human (me).
Google Functions Deploy Module
Posted Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 06:41 PM in Cloud DevelopmentDescribes a node.js based CLI I created to make it easier to deploy multiple Google Cloud Functions with a single terminal command.
Google Cloud Exposed Service Key
Posted March 22, 2024 in Cloud DevelopmentAt the beginning of the year, I published a post called Leaked Credentials from Google Cloud Project that described an issue I had, well it was an issue I created, with my Google Cloud account. I wanted to show some Google Analytics stats on this site and the only way I, at the time, could figure out how to do it was to run some code at build time that collected the data I needed from Google's APIs and added it to the site. To do this, the code required an API key for my Google Analytics data. I created a read-only key and included that key in my site repository on GitHub. Google freaked out and sent me a series of emails yelling at me for what I did.
Microsoft Sunsets Visual Studio App Center
Posted March 20, 2024 in Cloud DevelopmentBack in 2017, I had an opportunity to work on the Visual Studio documentation as a contractor. I was trying to find full time work, but jumped at the opportunity to write some docs for Visual Studio. I wrote/updated most of the docs for Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova (TACO) and since I had multiple books under my belt about Apache Cordova, I was a perfect fit.
Google Cloud Multiple Functions in a Project
Posted January 8, 2024 in Cloud Development, Node.jsIn my previous post Coding Google Functions Using TypeScript I showed how to code Google Functions using TypeScript. Something else I wanted for my Google Cloud Functions project was to be able to manage multiple functions in a single GitHub project. This post describes how to do it.
Coding Google Functions Using TypeScript
Posted January 7, 2024 in Cloud Development, Node.jsDescribes how to code Google Cloud Platform Functions using TypeScript.
Leaked Credentials from Google Cloud Project
Posted January 6, 2024 in Cloud Development, Eleventy, Web DevelopmentDescribes an issue I had connecting Google Analytics to this site; Google Cloud Security complained mightily about access credentials I stored in the site's public repo.