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Posts that didn't fit in any other categories. This page lists all posts in the category, in reverse chronological order.

  • Note: An AI Generated pill displayed in the list below indicates that the post description displayed on the page was generated from the post content using Generative AI (GenAI). The post content itself was written by a human (me).

  • Amazon Delivery in 2036

    Posted Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 12:06 PM  in Miscellaneous

    Imagine my surprise when I received an email from Amazon letting me know that an album I purchased a while ago, (Opeth's Last Will and Testament), wouldn't be delivered until 2036.

  • No Posting

    Posted Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 07:53 PM  in Miscellaneous

    Wow, no posts from me in a while. I apologize for that, but I've been spending a lot of time in my workshop making sawdust, and I've not had much I wanted to blog about.

  • Connection Request

    Posted Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 07:48 AM  in Miscellaneous

    I often get LinkedIn connection requests where I just don't understand the potential connection value.

  • Testing a Bunny.Net CDN

    Posted Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 09:25 PM  in Miscellaneous, Web Development

    As I worked through the process of publishing a Windows app to the Windows Store, I found that I needed a CDN and this post describes how I addressed that requirement.

  • Amazon Digital Music Hell Continued

    Posted Friday, April 12, 2024 at 06:31 PM  in Miscellaneous

    Earlier today I posted a rant about the ridiculous customer experience I encountered purchasing digital music from Amazon. If you've read many of the posts here, you probably noticed that I sometimes go off the handle on a topic and don't always think it completely through. After my online rant this morning, I started thinking of the possible reasons why an Amazon Digital music link would fail and I came up with some ideas.

  • Amazon Digital Music Hell

    Posted Friday, April 12, 2024 at 06:19 AM  in Miscellaneous

    Amazon sent me an email this morning letting me know that a digital album I purchased was available for download. You'd think I'd be able to click a link and download my purchase, but you'd be wrong.

  • FedEx Foibles

    Posted March 8, 2024  in Miscellaneous

    I noticed lately that FedEx seems incapable of knowing where packages are in their delivery network. As an example, take a look at the following screen shot taken this morning:

  • Bogus Wells SMS

    Posted February 23, 2024  in Miscellaneous

    AI Generated   I received a spam text message pretending to be from Wells Fargo, but I quickly realized it was fake. The phone number and currency format were not typical for the US, making it clear that it was a phishing attempt. It's important to pay attention to these details to avoid falling for scams.

  • Zinio Ridiculous Delete Account Process

    Posted January 13, 2024  in Miscellaneous

    I deleted my Zinio account and that kicked off a ridiculous series of steps beyond what I expected. How hard does it need to be to delete an online account you no longer use?

  • End of the Year Wrap-up (2023)

    Posted December 31, 2023  in Delphi, Miscellaneous

    A summary of what happened this year on this site and in my life.

  • Losing My Skills

    Posted December 17, 2023  in Miscellaneous

    I feel like I'm losing some skills. I'm working on this Microcontroller-based project that I intended to have completed by Halloween (2023) but I wasn't able to get it working in time and, as I continue to work on it, I can't seem to finish it.

  • Google Pixel Watch Failures

    Posted December 17, 2023  in Miscellaneous

    The Google Pixel Watch was an expensive experiment for me. Two broken watches in a year, and no help from Google.

  • Axios Account Profile Edit Failure

    Posted December 11, 2023  in Miscellaneous, Stupid Developer Tricks

    I can't think of any worse way to implement account profile editing than Axios does in their site today.

  • Gihub's Fake 2FA Warning

    Posted August 8, 2023  in Miscellaneous

    Why exactly is GitHub warning me that I must use 2FA for my account when I already have it enabled (and have had it enabled for years)? End of post.

  • Simple RPN Calculator

    Posted August 7, 2023  in Mobile Development, Miscellaneous, Flutter

    I started a new project this weekend, a simple RPN Calculator project I'm writing in Flutter. The app will be free and advertisement free. My goal is to publish it on the app stores as well as a web application.

  • Hiatus

    Posted June 6, 2023  in Miscellaneous

    Announcing that I'm having shoulder surgery and won't be posting here much in the next couple of months.

  • Relaunched A World Without Apps

    Posted May 28, 2023  in Miscellaneous

    Back in 2016 I created a site called A World Without Apps where I published articles about voice interfaces and how they would replace many mobile apps. After letting the site languish for many years, I finally brought it back to life last week with a new look and new purpose.

  • Gadget Man

    Posted May 4, 2023  in Miscellaneous

    For my 60th birthday, my wife and some friends wrote a song about me called Gadget Man (sung to the tune from Rocket Man by Sir. Elton John)

  • Site Migration Completed

    Posted April 21, 2023  in Miscellaneous, Eleventy, Static Site Generators

    Announces the completed migration of this site from Joomla! on FatCow to Eleventy on Netlify.

  • Accurately Calculating Progress in Goodreads

    Posted January 9, 2022  in Miscellaneous

    I track the books I read in Goodreads, and this post describes a solution I created to deal with an annoying problem with Goodreads page counts and how they differ dramatically from reality. In this case I highlight a web app I created to convert a reader's current page to one adjusted for an inaccurate total page count in Goodreads.

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Header image: Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash