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Articles related to Flutter development; either lessons learned or projects I created. This page lists all posts in the category, in reverse chronological order.

  • Note: An AI Generated pill displayed in the list below indicates that the post description displayed on the page was generated from the post content using Generative AI (GenAI). The post content itself was written by a human (me).

  • Repeating Countdown Timer in Flutter

    Posted Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 05:07 PM  in Flutter, Mobile Development

    A while back, while anticipating a particular event (my retirement), I decided to create an app that allowed me track the number of days until the event. One thing led to another and I decided to create a more generic version of the app so I could write about it here.

  • Pumpkin Controller Native Apps for Windows

    Posted November 19, 2023  in Delphi, Flutter, Microsoft Windows

    In the post I published earlier today I mentioned that someday I might make a native windows version of my Pumpkin Controller app (See Glowing Pumpkin). Well apparently today's the day.

  • Arduino UDP Broadcast Receiver

    Posted November 2, 2023  in Arduino, ESP32, Internet of Things (IoT), Flutter

    I created an Arduino sketch that implements an UDP broadcast receiver which allows me to control multiple Arduino devices simultaneously from a mobile app.

  • Simple RPN Calculator

    Posted August 7, 2023  in Mobile Development, Miscellaneous, Flutter

    I started a new project this weekend, a simple RPN Calculator project I'm writing in Flutter. The app will be free and advertisement free. My goal is to publish it on the app stores as well as a web application.

  • Pandemic Lockdown Fun

    Posted May 7, 2020  in Miscellaneous, Flutter

    After settling in after the start of the Pandemic, I began work on a lot of different projects and this post describes a bit about what I'm doing.

  • Automating Creating Flutter App Project Folders

    Posted December 6, 2019  in Miscellaneous, Flutter

    I recently started working in earnest in Flutter. I poked and prodded at it for a while, but I finally worked through a couple of books and articles and have a good feel for the framework. This article describes a little command-line utility I created to automatically setup a Flutter project folder structure.

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