Project Builds
Posts that generally cover my analysis of spam and phising messages I receive from time to time. This page lists all posts in the category, in reverse chronological order.
Note: An AI Generated pill displayed in the list below indicates that the post description displayed on the page was generated from the post content using Generative AI (GenAI). The post content itself was written by a human (me).
3D Printing Paradise
Posted Monday, July 1, 2024 at 08:40 PM in Project BuildsAI Generated I bought a 3D printer during the pandemic but struggled with it, so I upgraded to a P1S printer from Bambu Lab. The new printer is enclosed, self-leveling, and fast, making it easier to use. My daughter loves using it for cosplay projects. I also bought a lot of filament and have been impressed by the quality of free models available online. I recently used the printer to create a wooden enclosure for a T5 e-Paper display unit, but had to find a 3D printer plan for a better fit due to the unit's design. The prints turned out amazing, and I'm excited to see the final result.
Ali Express Parts
Posted Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 12:17 PM in Internet of Things (IoT), Project BuildsIn my previous post, I mentioned that I like building electronic projects I find online. Historically, I purchased a lot of project components from online vendors like Adafruit and Sparkfun. Both offer their own proprietary boards as well as some standard electronics components you can use for your projects (such as battery connectors, cables, breakout boards, other connectors).
Bench Power Supply Project
Posted Sunday, June 16, 2024 at 02:12 PM in Project BuildsI'm a big fan of Instructables and regularly watch their newsletters for interesting projects. A few weeks ago, one of them caught my eye: Lab Bench Power Supply. This project seemed cool so I decided to build it.