Web Development
Posts related to web development topics, development tools, strategies, etc. This page lists all posts in the category, in reverse chronological order.
Note: An AI Generated pill displayed in the list below indicates that the post description displayed on the page was generated from the post content using Generative AI (GenAI). The post content itself was written by a human (me).
Testing a Bunny.Net CDN
Posted Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 09:25 PM in Miscellaneous, Web DevelopmentAs I worked through the process of publishing a Windows app to the Windows Store, I found that I needed a CDN and this post describes how I addressed that requirement.
Leaked Credentials from Google Cloud Project
Posted January 6, 2024 in Cloud Development, Eleventy, Web DevelopmentDescribes an issue I had connecting Google Analytics to this site; Google Cloud Security complained mightily about access credentials I stored in the site's public repo.
GitHub JavaScript Module Used By Panel
Posted May 15, 2023 in Web DevelopmentOn a module's repository page, GitHub shows which other repositories use the module. Who knew?
Implementing Custom Pipes in Ionic
Posted July 19, 2021 in Web DevelopmentPipes are a really cool feature in Angular and Ionic and I had an opportunity to build one of my own and this post describes what I did and points you to the code.
Displaying Build Information in ReactJS
Posted May 15, 2021 in Web DevelopmentI've been doing a lot of React development lately and I wanted the ability to display the app version number in the app. Now that I have the Ionic Build Info utility I described in the previous post, I copied that project and created a version of it that works for React as well.
Displaying Build Information in Ionic Applications
Posted May 14, 2021 in Web DevelopmentI was building an Ionic app and I wanted to display the app version in the app without having to hard code it as a constant in the app. Recognizing that the app's `package.json` file contained the app version and I could update it when I needed outside of the app, I built a little utility that writes a data file to the ionic project with build information that can be displayed anywhere in the app.
PWA Webinar This Month
Posted July 31, 2020 in Web DevelopmentTo help promote my latest book and to make a little money, I agreed to deliver an O'Reilly webinar on Progressive Web Apps. This post provides details about the event.
Discarding Data Object Edits in Ionic
Posted June 6, 2020 in Web DevelopmentWhen editing an object in an Ionic application, the framework automatically saves your changes to the object even though the user may have cancelled the edit page. In this post, I describe an approach I discovered that allows me to discard those changes when the user closes the edit page without saving.
Header image: Photo by Ferenc Almasi on Unsplash.