Mobile Apps

Mobile Development

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Posts related to mobile app development, something I live for a very long time. This page lists all posts in the category, in reverse chronological order.

  • Note: An AI Generated pill displayed in the list below indicates that the post description displayed on the page was generated from the post content using Generative AI (GenAI). The post content itself was written by a human (me).

  • Repeating Countdown Timer in Flutter

    Posted Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 05:07 PM  in Flutter, Mobile Development

    A while back, while anticipating a particular event (my retirement), I decided to create an app that allowed me track the number of days until the event. One thing led to another and I decided to create a more generic version of the app so I could write about it here.

  • Simple RPN Calculator

    Posted August 7, 2023  in Mobile Development, Miscellaneous, Flutter

    I started a new project this weekend, a simple RPN Calculator project I'm writing in Flutter. The app will be free and advertisement free. My goal is to publish it on the app stores as well as a web application.

  • Apache Cordova API Cookbook Site Retired

    Posted February 9, 2022  in Mobile Development

    My Apache Cordova API Cookbook came out years ago and Cordova's moved a long way from the version 4 covered in the book. In this post, I announce that I retired the book's landing page.

  • Apache Cordova 4 Programming Site Retired

    Posted February 9, 2022  in Mobile Development

    My Apache Cordova 4 Programming book came out years ago and Cordova's moved a long way from the version 4 covered in the book. In this post, I announce that I retired the book's landing page.

  • Ionic Slides Example

    Posted May 18, 2020  in Mobile Development

    After struggling a bit to understand how to use the Ionic Slides component, I finally figured it out and published this post describing the solution and pointing the reader to a full sample app using Slides on my GitHub account.

  • Platform-Specific Links in Ionic

    Posted May 14, 2020  in Mobile Development

    When I submitted my mobile app to Apple for inclusion in the App Store, they rejected my app since it used Android screen shots in the app's tutorial (using Ionic Slides). This post describes how I updated the app to display different graphics depending on whether the app targets Android vs. iOS.

  • First App Store App

    Posted May 13, 2020  in Mobile Development

    I created a mobile app called Time Slicer and this post announces that the app was accepted by Apple into the App Store.

  • Learning Progressive Web Apps Code Available

    Posted December 21, 2019  in Mobile Development

    Letting readers know that I published the source code repository for Learning Progressive Web Apps.

  • Introducing the Time Slicer App

    Posted November 27, 2019  in Mobile Development

    I was watching the evening news one day and started thinking about how much of the show was allocated to different topic categories (local news, national news, sports, etc.); I was especially curious about what the ratio was of news vs. commercials (there seemed to be a lot of car commercials). I decided to build an app that enabled me to capture (measure) the amount of time allocated across multiple categories. I thought perhaps that others would like a similar app, so I decided to publish it as my first app store app.

  • 9-Patch Files for Ionic Capacitor Apps

    Posted November 13, 2019  in Mobile Development

    I wanted to build a 9-patch icon for an Android app I was building and found an article by Josh Morony that attempted to describe how to do it. After finally figuring it out, I wrote this article to fill in some of the missing or unclear details in Josh's article.

  • Apache Cordova 3 Programming Site Retired

    Posted July 2, 2018  in Mobile Development

    Announcing the shutdown of the landing page for my Apache Cordova 3 Programming book.

  • Advancing Technology in Wilmington Meetup

    Posted March 16, 2018  in Mobile Development

    Announcing my presentation at the Advancing Technology Meetup in Wilmington

  • My ReactiveConf 2017 Sessions

    Posted November 18, 2017  in Mobile Development

    Highlights my presentations and experience at ReactiveConf in Bratislava.

  • Visual Studio App Center Launched Today

    Posted November 15, 2017  in Mobile Development

    With much fanfare, Microsoft launched Visual Studio App Center today.  This is the product team I work on at Microsoft.

  • PhoneGap Day 2017 Presentation

    Posted November 3, 2017  in Mobile Development

    Highlights my presentation at PhoneGap day 2017.

  • NCDevCon 2017 Presentation

    Posted November 2, 2017  in Mobile Development

    Highlights my sessions at NCDevCon 2017

  • Epic UX Failure at Bandsintown

    Posted January 22, 2017  in Mobile Development

    Expresses my frustration with the Bandsintown application.

  • Microsoft Cordova (TACO) Docs

    Posted December 17, 2016  in Mobile Development

    Describes my work as a contractor working on the documentation for the Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova.

  • Formatting Email Content for Usefulness on Mobile

    Posted July 27, 2016  in Mobile Development

    I posted a little while ago about how marketing organizations were ignoring mobile clients when crafting email blasts and provided some examples (which I continue to update as I find more). My analysis of these emails focused mainly on how the email messages are not formatted correctly for smaller devices, but as I looked into this more, I realized that many of these email messages, not marketing blasts, but specific notification emails sent directly to me, weren't structured in a way that made them immediately useful to me as the consumer. Take the following email notification from American Airlines for example:

  • Android HTTP POST Request Using OKHTTP

    Posted April 17, 2016  in Mobile Development

    I'm not much of a Java developer. I've poked and prodded at it when I worked for BlackBerry and wrote my BlackBerry development book, but I've not done much serious Java development in my career. I've been working on a Particle Photon-based garage door controller and I built a web app and an Apache Cordova version of the app to interact with the controller. I also wanted a native Android app for this, so I got to work learning Android development. I picked up a copy of the Big Nerd Ranch guide to Android Development ( and got to work.

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Header image: Photo by ilgmyzin on Unsplash.