Internet of Things (IoT)
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Articles related to Microcontrollers, single board computers, and other stuff. This page lists all posts in the category, in reverse chronological order.
Note: An AI Generated pill displayed in the list below indicates that the post description displayed on the page was generated from the post content using Generative AI (GenAI). The post content itself was written by a human (me).
Ali Express Parts
Posted Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 12:17 PM in Internet of Things (IoT), Project BuildsIn my previous post, I mentioned that I like building electronic projects I find online. Historically, I purchased a lot of project components from online vendors like Adafruit and Sparkfun. Both offer their own proprietary boards as well as some standard electronics components you can use for your projects (such as battery connectors, cables, breakout boards, other connectors).
Using the DFRobot I2C 16x2 LCD display
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 10:22 AM in Internet of Things (IoT)Describes how to use the DFRobot I2C 16x2(1602) LCD Display Module for Arduino in a project.
Mounting the DFRobot mmWave RADAR
Posted December 8, 2023 in Internet of Things (IoT)A while back, I started building a project using the DFRobot mmWave RADAR. However, as I described in IoT Component Manufacturers Ignoring Mounting Needs, I had some trouble figuring out how to mount the device in my project.
Accessing an Arduino ESP32 Web Server
Posted November 19, 2023 in Internet of Things (IoT), ESP32The third (and, I think, final) article in this series. In this post, I show the different options for connecting to the ESP32 web server highlighting the limitations and restrictions that apply to make your life miserable.
Using UDP Broadcast to Synchronize Actions Across Arduino Devices
Posted November 5, 2023 in Arduino, ESP32, Internet of Things (IoT)Describes a way to synchronize actions or activities across multiple Arduino devices using UDP (broadcast and receiver).
Arduino UDP Broadcast Receiver
Posted November 2, 2023 in Arduino, ESP32, Internet of Things (IoT), FlutterI created an Arduino sketch that implements an UDP broadcast receiver which allows me to control multiple Arduino devices simultaneously from a mobile app.
Read Pin State Between Two Arduino Devices
Posted November 1, 2023 in Arduino, Internet of Things (IoT)As I worked on my latest Halloween project, I realized that one of the things I wanted to do was read the pin state from a different/separate Arduino device. My project used two Arduino-compatible devices for different purposes and I wanted to be able to send a signal from one to the other. I looked around for a while and found a bunch of Forum questions on this topic and answers for the most part, but I couldn't find a post that actually described it in detail. This post does that.
A Better Arduino MicroFogger Controller Redux
Posted October 30, 2023 in Internet of Things (IoT), ArduinoIn my previous post, I demonstrated a better way to randomly generate smoke using the Vosentech MicroFogger 5 Pro from an Arduino sketch. That version was better because it didn’t block the main loop, instead it let other stuff while it generated smoke and waited.
A Better Arduino MicroFogger Controller
Posted October 29, 2023 in Arduino, Internet of Things (IoT)Describes a better way to control a Vosentech MicroFogger from an Arduino sketch. The example provided in the previous post blocked the sketch's `loop` function and this one doesn't.
Controlling the Vosentech MicroFogger From An Arduino
Posted October 28, 2023 in Internet of Things (IoT), ArduinoDescribes how to use an Arduino device to control the Vosentech MicroFogger.
IoT Component Manufacturers Ignoring Mounting Needs
Posted October 8, 2023 in Internet of Things (IoT)I'm building some microcontroller-based projects and struggling to find a simple but secure mechanism to mount components in my project. This post highlights some of the challenges.
Glowing Pumpkin Project Refresh
Posted August 30, 2023 in Arduino, ESP32, Internet of Things (IoT)Years ago I published a several Glowing Pumpkin projects: Arduino Glowing Pumpkin and Arduino Glowing Pumpkin (Adafruit Feather). Both projects used Arduino compatible devices plus either one of the Adafruit multi-NeoPixel devices or a NeoPixel shield. The shield approach was easy because I just had to solder some male and female headers to the boards and press them together into a unit. My first project used the NeoPixel Ring which required soldering wires and running them into an enclosure where the Arduino device resides.
Arduino ESP32 Web Server on a Processor Core
Posted August 27, 2023 in Internet of Things (IoT), Arduino, ESP32The second article in this series, describes in detail how to run a web server in an Arduino project on the Espressif ESP32 microcontroller.
Arduino ESP32 Running Tasks On Multiple Cores
Posted August 25, 2023 in Arduino, ESP32, Internet of Things (IoT)This article demonstrates how to assign different tasks to separate processor cores using the Arduino platform and multiple core microcontrollers. I always wanted to learn how to do this, but the examples on the web are so full of ads that I wanted to publish a version with no advertisements as a super clean example.
DFRobot mmWave RADAR
Posted July 16, 2023 in Internet of Things (IoT)A couple of months ago, I started planning my Halloween project for this year. In previous years I've created a Candypult (for the pandemic years), a remotely controlled flame breathing pumpkin (Sparky, we call him), and, my favorite, the twinkle light tubes from last year.
Synchronizing CircuitPython Files
Posted February 20, 2023 in Internet of Things (IoT)I started playing with CircuitPython and decided I didn't like writing code on the device. This post describes a utility I created to help Circuit Python synchronize project files to a local project folder.
Looking at the Blues Wireless Platform
Posted October 10, 2021 in Internet of Things (IoT)I discovered the Blues Wireless platform and started playing around with it. A conference buddy went to work there and he hooked me up with some devices. Its a low power consumption data collection platform (essentially) with ten years of data. This post describes my initial impressions of the platform.
Andy Doro Word Clock Update
Posted August 10, 2021 in Internet of Things (IoT), ArduinoI recently discovered Andy Doro's Word Clock and I love the project. I built one for my self then started looking at the code for ways to improve it. I made a bunch of changes to the code and, once Andy added a license to the project repository, forked it and published my own version of it.
Using the Arduino NTPClient Library
Posted July 18, 2021 in Internet of Things (IoT), ArduinoI have a version of Andy Doro’s Word Clock running in my house. I had some issues with the real-time clock (RTC) keeping time correctly, so I decided to rebuild the clock using a Wi-Fi enabled device and the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to keep my clock’s local time synchronized with reality.
Word Clock Time Issues
Posted July 14, 2021 in Internet of Things (IoT), ArduinoThe clock's been running in our guest bathroom for more than a year now and I recently noticed that the clock wasn't keeping time very well. It was about 20 minutes fast. The original project is based on the Adafruit Trinket device which doesn't have a Wi-Fi connection, so it can't get it's time through Network Time Protocol (NTP). Instead, sets the clock to the compile date/time for the currently running sketch.
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Header image: Photo by Robin Glauser on Unsplash.